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About the Conference

Job Opportunity

Equal Justice Works – AmeriCorps JD Summer Corps

Legal Services of Greater Miami (Miami, FL)

Description: Legal Services of Greater Miami is seeking law student applicants for the Equal Justice Works AmeriCorps Summer Corps program. The Summer Corps member will work on the VISTA Affordable Housing Preservation Project (VAHPP) to build the capacity of tenant associations by assisting, informing, educating, and engaging tenants of eligible project-based U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)-assisted properties to preserve and improve their affordable housing communities.

The Summer Corps member will:

  • Gain first-hand experience and legal skills in areas such as client intake, representation, and legal research and writing
  • Earn an education award valued at $1,222 upon completion of 300 hours of service by August 31, 2016
  • Have access to Equal Justice Works’ network of alumni, experience and expertise as the nation’s largest provider of public interest opportunities for law students and attorneys
  • Become an official member of AmeriCorps, one of the largest national service networks in U.S. history



  • Must be enrolled at an Equal Justice Works member law school (1L or 2L)
  • Commitment to fighting poverty in the community
  • Fluency in Spanish
  • Effectively work with diverse clients and staff
  • Exhibit judgment and strong decision-making skills
  • Possess excellent oral and written communication skills
  • Must not receive school credit for the same service
  • Must be a U.S. citizen, U.S. national or lawful permanent resident and pass a criminal background check, including an FBI fingerprint check (though applicants are not disqualified for most criminal records)
  • Have less than four terms of AmeriCorps service


The applicant is first required to undergo an interview process with Legal Services of Greater Miami and must submit a cover letter, résumé and unofficial law school transcript to [email protected].  The applicant selected by Legal Services of Greater Miami must then undergo an application process with Equal Justice Works by April 15, 2016—see for more information, including information on how to be automatically entered for a chance to win one of 10 iPad Airs or Microsoft Surface 3 tablets.


Contact Information:


Employer:             Legal Services of Greater Miami

Name:                    Viviana Mendiola, Esq.

Email:                    [email protected]


Address:                3000 Biscayne Boulevard, Suite 500

Miami, FL 33137

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