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CABA Applauds City of Coral Gables for Resolution on CCL’s Route to Cuba

Dear CABA Members:

As many of you may have already learned, CABA recently sent a letter of disapproval and objection to Carnival Cruise Lines regarding its election to move forward with its subsidiary, Fathom’s, maiden voyage to the Port of Havana, together with an unknown number of cruise offerings thereafter, despite the Cuban regime’s edict that no person born on Cuban soil will be allowed to disembark in the country of their birth.  The company has thus refused the sale of passenger tickets to anyone whose passport reflects they were born in Cuba.  Whatever one’s personal views on legal travel to Cuba may be, CABA’s core mission, in large part, is to promote equality and the administration of justice.  This unfair treatment and blatant discrimination against members of the Cuban-American community is patently offensive despite the discord that may exist within the community itself concerning the recent developments in U.S.-Cuba relations and the loosening of travel restrictions between the two nations.

The damage to our community has not been protested by CABA alone, however.  On April 13, 2016, the City of Coral Gables City Commission adopted Resolution No. 2016-98, sponsored by Commissioner Vince Lago, by unanimous vote.   The resolution on behalf of the City of Coral Gables expresses the City Beautiful’s disapproval of Carnival’s route under the circumstances, urges the line to disengage from its plans to cruise to Cuba until the discriminatory Cuban prohibition is lifted, and urges Miami-Dade County, the State of Florida and the United States government to determine whether the action violates existing laws against discriminatory practices, and further requests a determination by the county as to whether it can prohibit the use of the Port of Miami for the route until the ban is lifted by the Cuban regime. Click on this link to view the Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 2016-98.

The undersigned and the Board of Directors, on behalf of CABA, applaud the City of Coral Gables Commission for its support of the Cuban-American community affected by these policies, and for its call to action by Carnival Cruise Lines and the respective governmental agencies to uphold basic American freedoms and principles of equality, which every person in this great country, including executives of large, for-profit corporations, should hold dear and protect against incursion.

amh sig

Anna Marie Hernandez

CABA Letter to Carnival Cruise Lines regarding Fathom’s Discrimination of Cuban-born passengers

CABA Letter to Carnival on Fathom

CABA Letter to President Barack Obama

To see full letter click on image below, or the following link.1CABA LTR President Barack Obama dated March 14, 2016-3-page-001 (2)

CABA Celebrates Supreme Court Decision In Obergefell V. Hodges

MIAMI – June 26, 2015 – The United States Supreme Court, in a vote of 5-4, rules that the Constitution’s guarantees of due process and equal protection under the law mean that states cannot ban same-sex marriages thereby paving the way for legalization of gay marriage in all of our 50 states.

Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote the majority opinion and noted that gay Americans wishing to marry need not be “condemned to live in loneliness, excluded from one of civilization’s oldest institutions. They ask for equal dignity in the eyes of the law. The Constitution grants them that right.”

Manny Crespo, Jr., President of the Cuban American Bar Association, who is openly gay, said:

“CABA is thrilled that the Supreme Court has recognized that same sex American couples are entitled to equal protection and due process under the 14th amendment when intending to marry.  CABA stands by every individual seeking equality under the law, and this decision moves this great country another step forward into a future where every American will be entitled to live their life with unqualified and unrestricted dignity in the eyes of the law.”

About the Cuban American Bar Association

The Cuban American Bar Association is a voluntary bar association established in Miami in 1974 to promote equality of its members; serve the public interest by increasing awareness to the study of jurisprudence; foster respect for the law; preserve high standards of integrity, honor, and professional courtesy among its peers; provide equal access to and adequate representation of minorities before the courts; facilitate the administration of justice; build close relationships among its members; support Miami-Dade’s indigent community and increasing diversity in the judiciary and legal community. More information is available at

Media Contact:
Diana Powell, Executive Director
[email protected]
(786) 210-5984


pour autant que leur quantité corresponde aux besoins approximatifs d’une personne pour la durée prévue du séjour. En théorie, seuls le web les médicaments qui ne constituent pas une indication vitale et qui sont pourtant interdits en Allemagne peuvent faire l’objet d’une réclamation.

CABA Applauds The Plaintiffs In Obergefell V. Hodges

MIAMI – May 5, 2015 – The United States Supreme Court heard two and half hours of oral arguments on Tuesday, April 28, 2015, on the issue of marriage equality.  Thirty-seven states across the nation have recognized same-sex marriage, Florida being the most recent.  Twenty-six of them by court decision; eight by legislative action and three by popular vote.

Manny Crespo, Jr.,  President of the Cuban American Bar Association, who is openly gay, said:

“This is the civil rights movement of our generation.  Marriage bans produce a ‘stain of unworthiness’ and a feeling of second class citizenship amongst gay and lesbian couples who otherwise participate in all aspects modern American society.  CABA has been at the forefront of equality issues, amending its mission statement several years ago to make it abundantly clear that it stands by all those seeking equality under the law, and we applaud those couples engaged in the fight for it.”

About the Cuban American Bar Association

The Cuban American Bar Association is a voluntary bar association established in Miami in 1974 to promote equality of its members; serve the public interest by increasing awareness to the study of jurisprudence; foster respect for the law; preserve high standards of integrity, honor, and professional courtesy among its peers; provide equal access to and adequate representation of minorities before the courts; facilitate the administration of justice; build close relationships among its members; support Miami-Dade’s indigent community and increasing diversity in the judiciary and legal community. More information is available at

Media Contact:
Diana Powell, Executive Director
[email protected]
(786) 210-5984



CABA Serves As Host To Annual Benefit Gala And Board Installation Dinner

Attorney Manuel Crespo, Jr., Installed as
President of the Voluntary Bar Association

MIAMI – Feb. 17, 2015 – The Cuban American Bar Association recently served as host to its annual gala and installation of officers at the Fontainebleau Miami Beach. The gala raises money for the Cuban American Bar Foundation’s CABA Scholarship Fund, which in the past several years has raised more than $150,000 toward scholarships for law students and other scholars with interests that will promote excellence in the legal profession and legal services community.

More than 950 guests attended this year’s event, which featured the theme of “Swept Away to Heart of Havana at Club TropiCABA.” Guests enjoyed themed entertainment, silent and live auctions, and a raffle for a 2015 Cadillac.

Manuel Crespo, Jr., a Partner at Miami law firm Sanchez-Medina, Gonzalez, Quesada, Lage, Crespo, Gomez, Machado & Preira, LLP, was installed as the organization’s 41st President.  He has been involved with CABA for 24 years, most recently serving as its vice president and director. Crespo focuses his practice in the areas of real property transactions and civil litigation. He received his bachelor’s degree cum laude from Duquesne University, and his law degree from Boston College Law School.

At the event, Anna Marie “Annie” Hernandez was announced as President-Elect, and Ricardo Martinez-Cid was recognized as Immediate Past President. The following members of the 2015 Board of Directors were installed: Nory Acosta-Lopez; A. Dax Bello; Gina Beovides; Isabel Díaz; Maria D. Garcia; Frances Guasch De La Guardia; Javier López; Yara Lorenzo; Olivia Rodriguez; Jennifer Jimenez Perez; Jorge L. Piedra; and Wendy Polit.

As part of the event, awards were presented to outstanding members of the community. Mario Trueba and Idalberto “Bert” de Armas of Sabadell Bank received the Amigo Award. Former CABA President Marlene Quintana received the Presidential Award. The Paver Award was presented to Chief Justice of the Florida Supreme Court Jorge Labarga. The Special Recognition Award for Legal Legend was awarded to Jose “Pepe” Villalobos, past CABA President. Osvaldo Soto, past CABA President and one of the organization’s founders, received the Founder’s Award for Lifetime Achievement.

To top off the night, South Beach’s club “Set” DJ and dancers took over the Fontainebleau’s Sparkle Ballroom hosting young attorneys, law students and guests alike at yet another CABA first – the “23 degrees North After-Party,” a high-energy party. This year’s event attracted a record number of corporate and law firm sponsors, including: Bacardi, Sabadell Bank, The Fund/Old Republic Title Insurance Group, Brickell Motors/Ocean Cadillac, Baptist Hospital , Rene Ruiz, FPL, Liberty Mutual, Holland & Knight, Greenberg Traurig, SMGQ Law, and Roar Media. A complete list may be viewed at the Foundation’s website at

About the Cuban American Bar Association

The Cuban American Bar Association is a voluntary bar association established in Miami in 1974 to promote equality of its members; serve the public interest by increasing awareness to the study of jurisprudence; foster respect for the law; preserve high standards of integrity, honor, and professional courtesy among its peers; provide equal access to and adequate representation of minorities before the courts; facilitate the administration of justice; build close relationships among its members; support Miami-Dade’s indigent community and increasing diversity in the judiciary and legal community. More information is available at

Media Contact:
Julia Wakefield, Roar Media
[email protected]
(305) 403-2080, Ext. 114


Editor’s note: Photographs are available upon request.

CABA To Host Annual Benefit Gala And Board Installation Dinner

Attorney Manuel Crespo, Jr., Installed as
President of the Voluntary Bar Association

MIAMI – December 8, 2014 – The Cuban American Bar Association will serve as host to its annual gala and installation of officers at 7 p.m. Saturday, January 31, at the Fontainebleau Miami Beach, 4441 Collins Avenue, Miami Beach, Fla. The gala raises money for the Cuban American Bar Foundation’s CABA Scholarship Fund, which in the past several years has raised more than $150,000 toward scholarships for law students and other scholars with interests that will promote excellence in the legal profession and legal services community.

Manuel Crespo, Jr., a partner at Miami law firm Sanchez-Medina, Gonzalez, Quesada, Lage, Crespo, Gomez & Machado, will be installed as the organization’s 42nd president. He has been involved with CABA for 24 years, most recently serving as its vice president and director. Crespo focuses his practice in the areas of real property transactions and civil litigation. He received his bachelor’s degree cum laude from Duquesne University, and his law degree from Boston College Law School.

In addition to Crespo, the following officers and board members will be installed at the event:

Anna Marie “Annie” Hernandez

Immediate Past President:
Ricardo Martinez-Cid

2015 Board of Directors:

Nory Acosta-Lopez
Dax Bello
Gina Beovides
Isabel Díaz
Maria D. Garcia
Frances Guasch De La Guardia
Javier López
Yara Lorenzo
Olivia Rodriguez
Jennifer Jimenez Perez
Jorge L. Piedra
Wendy Polit


About the Cuban American Bar Association

The Cuban American Bar Association is a voluntary bar association established in Miami in 1974 to promote equality of its members; serve the public interest by increasing awareness to the study of jurisprudence; foster respect for the law; preserve high standards of integrity, honor, and professional courtesy among its peers; provide equal access to and adequate representation of minorities before the courts; facilitate the administration of justice; build close relationships among its members; support Miami-Dade’s indigent community and increasing diversity in the judiciary and legal community. More information is available at
