The Mentoring Committee oversees the CABA Mentoring Program, which enables CABA members to network in pairs and small groups with fellow members who share their set of professional interests and concerns and can offer mutual guidance and support.

The mission of the Mentoring Committee is to foster meaningful and sustained professional relationships driven by the needs of the program participants and built on a foundation of reciprocity. To that end, the committee:

      • Recruits members annually to volunteer their time as mentors in the program
      • Develops and implements mechanisms to match participants with the most appropriate mentors/mentees
      • Collects resources for best practices in successful mentoring relationships
      • Offers participants guidance and support in creating and sustaining the mentoring relationship
      • Solicits and acts upon feedback from program participants about the effectiveness of the program
      • Organizes program events for mentors and mentees throughout the year

For more information on, or to become a Mentor/Mentee, please contact us at [email protected].


Isis Pacheco


Andres Chinchilla