20:20:182021-07-12 20:25:08Cuba We Hear You, We Are Listening Pardillo Pardillo2020-06-03 21:06:492020-06-03 21:07:52CABA Stands In Solidarity with BLM Letter
Click Here to read the article published by Miami’s Community Newspapers. 16:10:232019-08-07 19:12:49Judges of North Dade Justice Center celebrate LAW DAY
Click Here to watch the video published by Radio Television Marti. 16:08:262019-08-07 19:10:09CABA Reitera Cuba Viola Leyes y Convenciones Contra el Tráfico de Personas y el Trabajo Forzado
Click Here to read the article published by The Daily Business Review. 15:05:322019-08-07 19:07:18Cuban American Bar Association Condemns Cuba's Role in Venezuela Crisis
Click Here to read the article published by Miami’s Community Newspapers. 16:54:452019-08-07 18:56:11Attorneys Prepare to File Lawsuits on Behalf of Cuban-Americans Whose Property Was Confiscated by Castro
Click Here to read the article published by the Daily Business Review. 15:50:382019-08-07 18:54:42Jorge Piedra Channels Restlessness Into Commercial Litigation and Community Initiatives
Click Here to read the article published by The Sunshine State News. 18:32:132019-08-07 18:46:54Judge Barbara Lagoa Is DeSantis' First Supreme Court Pick
Click Here to read the article published by The Miami Herald.
Click Here to read the full letter sent to Mimi Whitefield. 13:49:332019-07-23 14:57:48Cuba's Judicial System Worlds Apart from Ours
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